Monday 13 December 2010

Taxis in China

In China they have 1.5 billion people, as you might know.
So now just imagine how much TAXI cabs they need to transport all those billions of busy Chinese people somewhere they all need to get?
Just see how REALLY much taxis they have just in one city waiting for the passenger to go:
Taxis in China 
Taxis in China
Taxis in China
Taxis in China
Taxis in China
Crazy, isn’t it?
Source : Email

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Pepsi vs Coke

Very interesting to see the evolution of the Pepsi and Coke logo over the years. We can clearly see that these 2 companies do not share the same marketing strategies with their logos.
Source : E-mail

Saturday 13 November 2010

10 Most Exotic Amusement Parks Worth To Visit

While talking about the amusement parks, each of us might name only few details that make one of the parks to differ from the rest. So do you think amusement parks are different from each other only with the height of “roller coaster”? Or with the amount of the crowd? However, there are a lot of interesting theme parks that can surprise even the most carefree tourist. Let’s get through the list of the 10 most interesting ones.
Suoi Tien Park, Vietnam

Do you have any plans to visit heaven? For this reason it is not necessarily to fly into the space, you can go to Vietnam. Huge colorful park can be simply regarded as heaven, as this is the way it is seen by Buddhists. There are all miracles, you will not find anywhere else! There is an abundance of giant sacred statues of various creatures. Just imagine that one of the fantastic dragon’s head weighs no less than 300 tons! An aquarium with one and a half thousand crocodiles, Unicorn des with mythical creatures, and the gatekeepers of hell – you will find a full immersion into the world of Buddhist mythology.
The park is a simple way of getting acquainted with the Buddhism culture and the ways they perceive the world.
Crocosaurus Cove, Australia

What an excellent proposal for a family vacation – a trip into the world of crocodiles! Surely, nobody’s going to give your family members to be devoured by the bloodthirsty reptiles. The fans of the extreme sceneries are getting thrilled watching scary creatures from inside the huge crowded crocodile tank, but being protected from them with the help of a solid transparent acrylic wall. The program includes good old-fashioned fishing, during which children and the adults tease reptiles to put on hook bait.
Do not forget to go to the store to buy souvenirs made of crocodile skin! Here this kind of souvenirs can be purchased for quite a reasonable price.

Dwarf Empire, China

In the southern part of the Celestial Empire in the town of Kunming there’s a hill open for the tourist. Right on the top of the hill there is a small and very strange park. All of people working for it – from the show artists up to the cleaners are shorter than 130 centimeters. In fact, this mini-community can be described with its own emperor, empress, and even Parliament. About a hundred young people live here, in small houses. For the life of the inhabitants of Lilliput there are multiple costume plays, dances and other shows.
The place host hundreds of tourists daily and its popularity is rising with each year.
Harmony Land, Japan

All the princesses, as well as all the Hello Kitty admirers of all ages should definitely visit this amazing Japanese theme park. The list of the possible activities is enormous: a walk in the castle of friendly cats,  a boat ride through the underground homes of her friends, soaring into the sky on the Ferris wheel, watching a movie with 3D-effect and of course, buying  tons of cute pink souvenirs. The girlish excitement is guaranteed here.
Be sure to stay on Fantasy Night Show – a beautiful musical laser show.

BonBon-Land, Denmark

Though this park, located in the southern part of Denmark, is named in honor of the popular candy inside of it there’s not to much that can awaken the appetite. The park is crowded with images of suffering from vomiting rats, urine and other ants are not the most beloved forms of living organisms. For the lovers of sweets in the park there are a few very naturalistic candies and thus it is appropriate to note their names of  “bird droppings” or “dead flies”.
However, unlike some of the disappointed parents, six years old children are just too much satisfied with such a “toilet” humor.
Dickens World, United Kingdom

Even if you’re not whiling away the winter evenings of leisurely reading the novels of Dickens, you may be interested to move to a couple of centuries ago and briefly immers in a world of hunger and poverty, to be among the beggars and fugitives. In 2007, the British opened a huge theme park, meticulously reproducing the atmosphere of the city in early XIX century.
The most popular attraction of the park is the boat trip based on the novel “Great Expectations”, while repeating Magwitch escape from the prison.
Love Land, South Korea

Situated on the southern coast of the island Haeju, this sex themed park was created in 2004 specifically to help the Korean newlyweds to explore the life of the married couples. This place was chosen not by chance: it was on this island where the locals love to spend their honeymoon. And now they are required to drive into the park to wander among the 140 sculptures and watch films about sex.
Isn’t this the best way to get the tutorials?
Ferrari World, UAE

The wonderful city of Abu Dhabi is hosting the world’s first theme park dedicated to the “Ferrari”. This is also the largest indoor park in the world: its territory is about 64 square kilometers. Inside there are 20 rides, race promoters and even the world’s fastest roller coaster, and the roof of this huge hall, of course, is decorated with the mark with a black horse on a yellow background,  largest in the world. It is assumed that the grand building will open up already in late 2010.
Holy Land Experience, USA

Not far from Disneyland in Orlando, Florida is a park that can impress any ordinary person, believer and unbeliever. The entire space of the park is like a great theater, which unfolds scenes from biblical history. You can stroll through the streets of ancient Jerusalem,  join the disciples for  the Last Supper.
No matter how you feel about the religion, but this place will give you a desire of getting peace in the world.
Dubailand, UAE

Emirates is known for thegrandiose projects. That’ also true about Dubailand – a huge, 278 square kilometer oasis consisting of several skyscrapers, modern resorts and the world’s largest water park with luxurious beaches and unique artificial reefs. In Falcon city of Wonders you can see a very realistic reconstruction of the Seven Wonders of the World (well, at least according to the creators of Dubailand) of the Egyptian pyramids and the gardens of Babylon to Pisa and the Eiffel tower.

Source : An Email

Stacked Can Art

Stacked Can Art
What do get when you give a group of talented and energetic individuals a bunch of cans and ask them to use their imaginations? An entire array of awesome sculptures and an unbelievable food and fund raising event! That's Canstruction Winnipeg.

Source : An Email

World's Longest Car - 26 Wheeled Limousine

26 Wheeled Limousine is World's Longest Car
Do you know the longest car in the world? yes, it’s not easy to answer it. Search the web you will find these pictures, so I think it maybe the longest car in the world.

This 30.5-m long (100-ft), 26-wheeled limousine, which was designed by Jay Ohrberg of Burbank from California, USA, is the longest car in the world. It has been recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records. This world's longest car is mainly hired out in films and exhibitions. It can be drive as a rigid vehicle or can be changed to bend in the middle around corners. This incredible Limousine is equipped with a large Jacuzzi tub, a sun deck, a helipad, a swimming pool with diving board, a king sized bed and a satellite dish.
Source : An Email

Incredible Creative & Unique Things (20 pics)

Incredible Creative & Unique Things
I am in love with most of these things even though some of them look so crazy and sometimes useless, but they are incredibly creative and unique.

Courtesy :